Tentacle Apps
Tentacle Apps
Setup App -
getting started with Tentacle Sync
The mobile setup app (iOS and Android) is the foundation of you working with Tentacle Sync. Now it provides you with even more flexibility and options for your Tentacle devices TRACK E and SYNC E: start & stop audio recordings, synchronize, monitor, check the sync status and configure your devices. Do you have an Apple Watch? That's perfect, because you can use it for monitoring, syncing and recording as well (from App Version 4.1) The ORIGINAL timecode generator (without Bluetooth) can be setup and monitored in the mobile setup app via cable as well.

Recorder App -
timecode on the go with your mobile phone
Sometimes you don’t want to lug around a heavy audio recorder. So why not just use your iPhone to record audio with timecode? Our audio recorder app allows you to turn your phone into a quick and versatile recorder that records both the audio of the internal phone microphone and the timecode of a SYNC E transmitted via Bluetooth. Additionally, a suitable external microphone can be connected to the phone to further improve the audio quality. Ain't life great?

Timebar App -
visualize sync via Bluetooth
Wether you are working in continuity or need an easy way to display the current timecode for a clapper shoot – the timecode bar helps to stay up to date. The app simply displays the timecode of one of your SYNC E or TRACK E devices broadcasted via Bluetooth. As an additional feature the Tentacle Timebar app enables you now to synchronize your GoPro 12 cameras (from app version 4.1). The synchronization is realized through a generated QR code from the app. The QR code generated with the Timebar app simply needs to be held in the GoPro's field of view. This makes it possible to visually synchronize GoPro cameras to the Tentacle Sync timecode. The timecode is stored as metadata in the GoPro files.

REC pro video camera App -
synchronized mobile video recording by LateNiteSoft
We are happy to partner up with LateNiteSoft and their new app for iOS: REC - Pro Video Camera. REC is designed with you in mind, whether you're an experienced videographer or your last encounter with video capture was a camcorder, you'll find REC produces pro quality videos with simple, intuitive controls. And now it's getting even better – everything is synchronized with timecode. The same way our apps Timebar and Recorder are using the broadcasted timecode over Bluetooth® of a SYNC E or TRACK E to synchronize to it, the REC app will sync its video files.

Blackmagic Camera App for iOS
We collaborated with Blackmagic on their own video recording app: the Blackmagic Camera App. This amazing app for iOS and Android has all the familiar features and looks like a Blackmagic camera. It can record in industry standard 10-bit Apple ProRes files up to 4K, just to name a few of the great features. Best of all, you can sync the Blackmagic Camera app via Bluetooth to the timecode of one of your Tentacle devices, which is then recorded as metadata in your video files.