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SYNC Studio

Tentacle Sync Studio Software for macOS
syncs and transcodes timecoded files easily,
supporting many formats.


Tentacle Sync Studio Software for macOS reads, analyses and synchronizes any file or audio timecode – even from competitor’s products. It has an easy Drag & Drop functionality. The media folders can just be thrown into the browser and the synced dailies can be viewed instantly. The Tentacle Sync Software can simultaneously sync and transcode material on export to more editing-friendly codecs like ProRes. It supports comprehensive multicam footage.


Drag and Drop. Tentacle Sync Studio gives you everything you’ve come to expect from a modern, intuitive software. Take drag and drop functionality for example: Just throw your media folders in and view your synced dailies instantly.

Visual Sync Map. You know the term WYSIWYG? Well the visual Tentacle Sync map gives you an additional NYSWYD (Now You See What You Did)! With a clear and instant overview of all your synced material, the visually-pleasing interface takes the pain out of sifting through material. 

Hardware accelerated Transcoding. When it comes to converting (transcoding) clips into other formats, we use modern 64-bit frameworks that work hand in hand with your graphics card to ensure this happens quickly and smoothly.

Advanced audio TC reading Algorithms. We’ve been continuously improving the reliability of audio timecode reading algorithms based on the real-life, valuable feedback of our customers. This means that even when timecode isn’t perfectly recorded, Tentacle Sync Studio can still read it.


Multicam Functionality. Cameras are becoming smaller and cheaper, meaning you can film with more of them at one time. This often leads to complicated data madness and more work for post production when sifting through and sorting footage. Thanks to advanced multicam synchronisation features such as automated camera angle detection, Tentacle Sync Studio takes care of time-consuming organisation and gives you a complete overview of all your footage in one place.

Enhanced Metadata Support. We care about your metadata and handle all of it with care! The metadata embedded in your media files is increasingly important in post production as it helps the editor when organising and deciding what is needed and what isn’t. That’s why Tentacle Sync Studio has advanced metadata merging options. 

Flexible output Formats. Tentacle Sync Studio exports Quicktime, XML and AAF files so you can use them effortlessly with editing systems such as Premiere Pro, Avid Media Composer or Final Cut X.



  • Drag and drop functionality: Just throw your media folders in and view your synced dailies instantly.
  • Reads and analyses any timecode recorded on audio tracks, even from competitor’s products
  • Supported import formats: Quicktime, AVCHD, R3D, MP4, BWF, WAVE, MXF, CinemaDNG
  • Supported export formats: Quicktime, XML: FCP7, Premiere, FCPX , AAF
  • Simultaneously syncs and transcodes your material on export to more editing-friendly codecs like ProRes
  • Multicam support


System requirements
min. macOS 10.15 Catalina (Apple Silicon/Intel)
Supported import formats
Quicktime, AVCHD, R3D, MP4, BWF, WAVE, MXF (to view and export MXF you need at least macOS 10.10 Yosemite)
Supported export formats
BWF, Quicktime, AAF, XML (FCP7, FCPX, Premiere Pro)
